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Easy Star Sensible


Keep tabs on conversations surrounding your client's brand across blogs, news outlets, and Twitter. Leverage Sendible's sentiment analysis feature to swiftly identify mentions that require immediate attention.

Create professional and visually appealing reports to impress your clients and demonstrate the return on investment (ROI) of your social media initiatives. Effortlessly track and report on your progress, with the convenience of automatically sharing valuable metrics with your team.

Easily connect and manage popular social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and Google Business Profiles. Enjoy seamless integration with Canva, Google Drive, Dropbox, and YouTube, ensuring your team's content is always within reach with just a click.

Get the winning edge in your next client pitch and create a new scalable revenue stream for your agency with our white label solution.

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 Last Update:
20 April 2023


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