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14-day money back guarantee

We are so confident you will be happy with our products including our software products and web hosting services that we offer a 14 day money back guarantee.

If you are unhappy with any aspect of our service, and we are unable to put things right to your satisfaction, we will refund all product charges paid by you (less 25% to cover credit card commission and associated charges).

To claim on this guarantee you must notify us of your wish to cancel an account within the first 14 days following activation.

There are only four exclusions:

1. You must have been a technical problem of some sort with the account which is recorded in our support system, we will not issue a refund just because you have found a cheaper offer.
2. Domain registration charges are not refundable. This is in accordance with ICANN policies
3. Bandwidth overages that are over the allocated plan amount are not included.
4. Dedicated servers are not included in this policy.
5. We do not refund products that we have issued a serial key or license for the software.



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