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Net Wall 2007 - Designed for Windows® Vista™ 32-bit, XP, 2000 and Server 2003

Net Wall is a powerful free personal firewall for Windows® that protects your computer by preventing unauthorized users from gaining access to your computer through the Internet or a network. By monitoring applications that connect to the network Firewall Plus can stop Trojans, backdoors, keyloggers and other malware from damaging your computer and stealing your private information.

Net Wall is advanced technology designed especially for people, not just experts. Powerful prevention against attacks and known exploits is activated by default while experienced users can optionally create their own advanced packet filtering rules, including IPv6 support, to customize the network defenses. All you need to do is install it for immediate and automatic ongoing protection.


  • Detects and removes viruses and spyware
  • Automatically blocks spyware
  • Includes new product and protection as they become available for the specified contract
  • Stops any virus-infected emails from multiplying
  • Keeps your PC safe from threats
  • Allows you to automatically renew your subscription for the regular renewal fee plus taxes
  • Eligible for a free Windows Vista™ compatibility update



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Last Update:
10 December 2012 
Platforms: Designed for Windows® Vista™ 32-bit, XP, 2000 and Server 2003.
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