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Easy Link Server


Easy Link is an integrated server package designed to provide end-to-end solutions. Incorporating the KI standard Document Management System, plus Workflow and Portal. Easy Link provides cost-effective communication and collaboration throughout the organisation. Huge savings can be made in both costs and manpower by creating and maintaining documents fundamental to business, and using Workflows, and workspace/projects to organise team members and maximise efficiencies.

Easy Link server stores project information in a central database, protected from unauthorized access and corruption. A Project Administrator can control security defining users and access rights.

The Project Center supports reports across an organization at the project level. Managers can drill down into project details.

The project manager needs to communicate project plans and to distribute task assignments to team members. The assignment of tasks can be distributed to team member home pages in Web Access or Client Aplication. They need to communicate status and changes to keep the project manager up to date. Project Server supports electronic communication over the web via Web Access.

Resource workloads can be analyzed by project and by resource with the Resource center, allowing organizations to forecast future resource requirements and make more efficient use of resources.

The view definition is easier to understand and more robust with Web Access than with Project Server. Views can be protected to assist standardization. PS stores custom calendars, views, tables, filters, and fields, in an Enterprise global area where users have access to the latest version every time they restart Project Server.

The principal enhancements, as outlined by Easy Link Server, are:

  • Protection: anti-spam, antivirus, compliance, clustering with data replication, improved security and encryption
  • Improved Information Worker Access: improved calendaring, unified messaging, improved mobility, improved web access
  • Improved IT Experience: 64-bit performance & scalability, command-line shell & simplified GUI, improved deployment, role separation, simplified routing
  • Exchange Management Shell: a new command-line shell and scripting language for system administration. Shell users can perform every task that can be performed in the Link Server graphical user interface plus additional tasks, and can program often-used or complex tasks into scripts that can be saved, shared, and re-used. The Exchange Management Shell has over 450 unique commands to manage features of Easy Link Server.
  • "Unified Messaging" that lets users receive voice mail, e-mail, and faxes in their mailboxes, and lets them access their mailboxes from cell phones and other wireless devices. Voice commands can be given to control and listen to e-mail over the phone (and also send some basic messages, like "I'll be late")
  • Removed the database maximum size limit. Database size is now limited by hardware capability and the window for backups and maintenance.
  • Increased the maximum number of storage groups and mail databases per server, to 5 each for Standard Edition.

Easy Link Server supports clustering of up to 4 nodes when using Windows 2000 Server, and up to 8 nodes with Windows Server 2003.

Easy Link Server now provides built-in support for asynchronous replication modeled on SQL Server's "Log Shipping" in CCR (Cluster Continuous Replication) clusters, which are built on MSCS MNS (Microsoft Cluster Service - Majority Node Set) clusters which do not require shared storage. This type of cluster can be inexpensive and deployed in one, or "stretched" across two datacenters for protection against site wide failures such as natural disasters.


Administrator – The highest individual server level login which allows web hosting administrators to set up and manage all system items. Multiple servers can be centrally managed with the Master level login.

Client/Reseller – Second tier login account where the users are given domain creation rights from the System Administrator. Clients can administer to groups of domains using a single login.


Easy Link Server web-based control panel deploys and is ready in minutes quickly providing a high performance solution that is comprehensive yet inexpensive. The control panel provides several unique tools including and XML-API for automating the provisioning process and integrating 3rd party applications. A complete Software Development Kit with multiple backend utilities delivers service providers and their customers more power to adapt their offerings as well as an avenue for easy up-selling and additions.



Easy Link Server requires Server Access Licenses. Most corporate license agreements include Easy Link Server 100-client licenses. For Service Providers looking to host Easy Link Server, there is a SPLA (Service Provider License Agreement) available whereby EasyLogic receives a monthly service fee in the place of the traditional Server Access Licenses. Two types of license are available - Easy Link Server Standard and Easy Link Server Enterprise. The Enterprise is an add-on licence to the Standard license.



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 Last Update:
20 August 2011


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