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Easy Link Client


Easy Link Client is a multi-purpose work group client only to be used with Easy Link Server. You could use the Easy Link client to access the server, manage your daily tasks, receive tasks from the server, send your finished task backs to the server, share your tasks with other members of the group, manage your account, receive and issue invoices and exchange messages with all members of the group. It can handle email from other sources (e.g., POP3 mail) and manage other kinds of messaging (e.g., faxes and CompuServe mail).

Easy Link Client is designed to work with the Easy Link Server. Easy Link  clients also allow you to work off-line: reading, answering, and managing tasks while your computer is disconnected from the network. The next time you connect, the Easy Link client will receive new tasks and send accumulated outgoing tasks through the Server.


  • Secure On Demand Access: Log-in from anywhere to access the CRM database using a Microsoft® Internet Explorer web browser. The secure portal is based on the Microsoft .NET framework for user authentication, secure database access and session management – and valuable customer data is stored internally on your servers, under your control.


  • Work Online: Check and update appointments and tasks, search and update records.


  • Collaborate: Work on tasks as a team by using strategy-based opportunity management, through the desktop software or the web. Use the Activities Tab to review tasks and appointments for an associated customer, lead, sales opportunity or customer service case.


  • Customize: Customize windows and tabs - match the customizations in your desktop version.

    Easy Link Client requires Server Access Licenses.



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